The latest unofficial results of the 2022 CBJ municipal election were posted at on Friday, October 14 at 4 pm.
If you have received a cure letter from CBJ Elections notifying you of an issue with your ballot (for example, a missing signature), you have until 4:30 pm TODAY, October 17, to contact the CBJ Elections Office at (907) 586-5278, option 4, to make sure your ballot can be counted.
The Canvass Review Board meets at 10 am today at the CBJ Ballot Processing Center to begin the work of certifying the 2022 Regular Municipal Election. Space at the BPC is limited but members of the public who wish to observe the process can do so on closed circuit camera feeds in the BPC lobby. If you're interested, please contact CBJ Elections at (907) 586-5278, option 4, as observation times may vary depending on the Canvass Review Board's workload.
Please note that CBJ offices are closed for Alaska Day on Tuesday, October 18.
Original source can be found here.