CBJ will host a public information meeting about the Juneau Affordable Housing Fund and the current competitive funding round on Friday, September 23, at 3:00 PM via Zoom.
The Juneau Affordable Housing Fund is a CBJ fund created to promote the development of affordable housing. On July 6, the CBJ Assembly made $2,000,000 from the fund available to for-profit and non-profit organizations, public and regional housing authorities, and tribal governments interested in the creation of affordable and middle-income housing in the City and Borough of Juneau.
The meeting will provide an overview of the program and the application process.
Join the meeting here: juneau.zoom.us/j/83125285433 or visit bit.ly/3xFHIdZ for dial-in information.
For more information, please contact Joseph Meyers, Housing & Land Use Specialist at (907) 586-0753 Ext: 4209 or joseph.meyers@juneau.org.
Visit the JAHF website: bit.ly/jahfund.
Original source can be found here.